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10 Tips to Get Foreign Scholarships

10 Tips to Get Foreign Scholarships

Many students across the globe are always on the look out for studying abroad opportunities especially when it comes with fully funded scholarships or partial scholarships. Studying abroad offers one the opportunity to pursue an educational program in a foreign country. For some people, studying abroad offers them the opportunity to experience the educational prospects of other countries, learn foreign languages, network and connect with other professionals amongst other things. It is important to arm yourself with Tips to Get Foreign Scholarships.

However, studying abroad comes with financial cost which the student must meet in other to move and study in a foreign country. These financial commitment may not be easy to take on by students who are from disadvantaged background or from low-income countries. This is the reason why many students search and apply for scholarship opportunities to take care of their financial obligation while they study.

This piece of write-up seeks to provide tips for students who wish to study abroad but have little or no funding to pursue and achieve their educational dreams. It is important to note that applying for foreign scholarships can be a daunting task, as the application processes can be tasking and vary considerably from one opportunity to the other.

10 Tips to Get Foreign Scholarships

  1. Know how to Search for Scholarships

It is important as an undergraduate or postgraduate student to know how to search for scholarship opportunities. This particular can be tasking but with the right skills and information, the student can get this done. It is always good practice to look out for popular scholarships that sponsors your choice course of study before funneling it down to special scholarship that targets your course of study.

2. Get International Passport

There are some scholarship awarding bodies that applicants show proof of possession of an international passport while applying for the scholarship. First reason is for identification purpose to know the identity and nationality of the scholarship applicant. Most times, international passport are requested from postgraduate students to be sure that if granted the scholarship they will be able to get their visas in-time without unnecessary delays especially if the said scholarship is time-bound.


These are standardized language tests that are mostly required for admissions to educational institutions that use English as their language of communication. Having to choose which of the English language proficiency test to write depends on individual preferences, one’s specific goals, the requirements of the scholarship awarding body and the institution where the student which to take up studies.

4. Get Your Certificates and Transcripts Ready

Most students get caught-up in the web of applying for and getting their certificates and transcripts ready before the scholarship application deadline. It is therefore important that you prepare ahead and get these documents ready so as not to be caught unprepared when the opportunity presents itself. Remember that your transcript is what will give you admission in your choice foreign institution.

5. Get Recommendation Letters

Most students often over look this very important document especially if they are going in for graduate studies. This document is very crucial and will help widen your chances of getting a scholarship. It is believed that your past supervisors or professors who are regarded as professionals know your academic and research abilities and anything they write about you is a reflection of your abilities. This letter most often should contain what you are good at for it to boost your chances of getting a scholarship.

6. Prepare Your Statement of Purpose/ Motivation Letter

This is another crucial document that you have to devote time to prepare. Don’t wait until the deadline for a scholarship approach before you start writing as you may miss out certain points that may be important to the assessors. The rule of thumb is that you prepare all your scholarship documents well on time.

7. Send email to Professors

If you are a student in the pursuit of a Ph.D. or Masters in a foreign country, you need to know the basics of how to craft emails to a potential supervisor for research opportunities. Your email needs to be clear and concise stating all the information about yourself for the program. Ensure that your email stands out from others in other to stand a chance of being selected. Email is the essential medium while approaching a potential supervisor for research opportunities or a scholarship program.

Other tips to note if you want to land that foreign scholarship includes:

8. Search for institutions that offer your choice course of study

9. Write outstanding academic curriculum vitae

10. Apply to as many public scholarships as you can

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