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20 Types of Social Media Content for Your Small Business

In today’s digital landscape, social media content can be used to build a robust social media presence for small businesses online. It helps the brand to create relevant content, foster brand awareness, cultivate customer relationships, and ultimately drive sales. However, consistently generating engaging content can pose a challenge.

This blog post is your one-stop shop for inspiration. Therefore, we explore 20 diverse social media content ideas, encompassing various formats and catering to distinct audience preferences. From thought-provoking text-based posts to captivating videos, this guide equips you to create a dynamic content strategy that keeps your audience hooked and your small business thriving.

What is Content in Social Media?

social media content

Social media content is the information shared across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It includes text, images, videos, audio files, and other formats created to engage the audience. Effective social media content should be relevant to the target audience, provide value, be authentic, and use SEO strategies to increase visibility.

Additionally, it should be consistent with the brand’s identity and values, use storytelling to connect with the audience, and be interactive to encourage engagement.

Key Characteristics of Social Media Content

1. Relevance: Effective social media content resonates with the target audience’s interests, needs, and pain points.

2. Value: Content should offer something of worth to the viewer, whether it’s entertainment, education, inspiration, or problem-solving.

3. Authenticity: Audiences gravitate towards genuine content that reflects the brand’s personality and values.

4. Shareability: High-quality content encourages users to like, comment, and share it within their networks.

5. Measurability: Success in social media relies on tracking metrics like engagement, reach, and website traffic generated by specific content pieces.

20 Types of Social Media Content for Your Small Business

social media content

Creating captivating social media content for your small business can be challenging. However, creating a steady stream of engaging content may seem daunting, but diversifying your social media output is key.

Therefore to inspire you, here are different types of content to diversify your social media channels and keep your audience engaged:

#1. Text-Based Posts

Text-based posts are a type of social media content that consists solely of text, without any accompanying images, videos, or links. Furthermore, they are often used to share short thoughts, ideas, or opinions, and can be found on a variety of platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.

Simple, well-crafted text posts can be impactful so use them. Share inspiring quotes, industry tips, and quick facts, or pose thought-provoking questions related to your brand.

#2. Blog Posts and Articles

Showcase your industry expertise by promoting blog posts or articles from your website. Don’t just post links – add a brief engaging summary to entice clicks. Promote your blog content by sharing excerpts with links to the full article on your website. Ensure your articles offer value and align with your brand messaging.

#3. Images

High-quality visuals instantly grab attention. Share product photos, lifestyle images, motivational graphics, or eye-catching infographics. Utilize tools like Canva to create polished visuals, even without design expertise.

#4. Videos

Video is king on many social platforms. It is one of the most engaging content formats. You can create how-to-videos, short tutorials, product demos, engaging testimonials, or entertaining behind-the-scenes glimpses.  Additionally, platforms like Instagram Reels and TikTok prioritize short-form video content.

#5. Live Videos (Facebook Live)

In addition to videos, you can connect with your audience in real time with Q&A sessions, product demos, or live events. Live streaming platforms like Facebook Live provide a real-time avenue to connect with your audience. Meanwhile, Facebook Live is readily available on the Facebook app for both iOS and Android devices. In addition, you can also go live directly from your Facebook homepage on a computer web browser.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to go live on Facebook;

1. Things to do before you go live on Facebook;

  • Test your connection: Before going live, ensure a stable internet connection to avoid interruptions.
  • Prepare talking points: Having a plan or outline for your live stream can help keep you focused and organized.
  • Promote your live stream: Announce your live stream beforehand to generate interest and encourage viewers to join.

2. How to go Live on Facebook on the Mobile App:

  • Navigate: Open the Facebook app and go to the profile, page, group, or event where you want to host your live stream.
  • Create Post: Tap on the “What’s on your mind?” section or the “Create Post” button, depending on your device.
  • Select Live: From the options displayed, choose “Live Video.”
  • Add Description (Optional): Write a brief description of your live stream to entice viewers. You can also tag relevant people or locations.
  • Customize Settings (Optional): Tap the three dots (…) and explore additional options like privacy settings, adding a co-host, or scheduling the live stream.
  • Start Live: Once you’re ready to begin, tap the “Start Live Video” button.

3. How to go Live on Facebook on the Web Browser:

  • Locate Live Option: On your Facebook homepage, look for the “Live Video” icon (a red camera) under the “What’s on your mind?” section.
  • Choose Option: You’ll be presented with two choices: “Go Live Now” or “Create Live Video Event.”
  • Go Live Now: This option allows you to start streaming immediately.
  • Create Live Video Event: This option lets you schedule a live stream for a specific date and time, allowing viewers to join in advance.
  • Fill in Details (if creating an event): Enter a title, description, start time, and privacy settings for your scheduled live stream.
  • Go Live: Click “Go Live” when you’re ready to begin your broadcast.

4. During Your Live Stream:

  • Interact with Viewers: Respond to comments and questions from your audience in real-time to keep them engaged.
  • Monitor Audience: Keep an eye on the viewer count and any notifications to stay connected with your audience.
  • End Stream: When finished, tap the “Finish” button on the mobile app or click “End Live Stream” on the web browser.

#6. GIFs and Memes

Tap into humor and current trends by sharing relevant memes and GIFs. Use them sparingly and ensure they align with your brand’s tone and voice.

#7. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Encourage customers to share photos or videos using your products. Repost this content to foster community and showcase authentic social proof. This builds brand trust and showcases your products in real-world scenarios. Moreover, UGC is a powerful form of social proof.

#8. Contests and Giveaways

Boost engagement and attract new followers with contests or giveaways. Set simple rules like following your account, liking the post, and tagging friends in the comments.  Ask users to like, comment, and tag friends for a chance to win a relevant prize.

#9. Polls and Surveys

They are methods of collecting data or opinions from a group of people to gather insights, preferences, or feedback on various topics.

Gain valuable audience insights and boost interaction with polls or surveys. Use multiple-choice answers or open-ended responses for more in-depth feedback. Use tools built into social platforms or external services to create quick, interactive polls for your audience.

#10. Behind-the-Scenes Content

Give followers a peek into your company culture. You can

  • Introduce your team and share company culture
  • Offer glimpses into the creation process and product development
  • Show the human side of your brand and build trust
  • Host live streams from events and workshops

#11. Customer Testimonials

social media content

These are statements or endorsements from customers that showcase their experiences, satisfaction, and feedback regarding a product, service, or overall customer experience. Businesses often use these testimonials as a form of social proof to build trust with potential customers. They can be in the form of written reviews.

Feature glowing customer reviews or video testimonials. Social proof from satisfied customers is powerful marketing.

#12. Industry News and Insights

This refers to the latest developments, trends, and analysis within a specific industry. It encompasses a wide range of information sources, including news articles, reports, surveys, and expert opinions, that provide valuable insights into the dynamics and performance of a particular sector. Curate and share relevant industry updates. Establish yourself as a source of valuable information in your niche.

#13. Company Announcements

Company announcements refer to official statements or disclosures made by a company to its stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers, employees, and the general public. These announcements typically convey important information that can impact the company’s operations, financial performance, or strategic direction. Highlight product launches, events, milestones, or partnerships using engaging visuals and text.

#14. Stories and Reels

Stories and Reels are two popular features on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. These offer a casual, authentic way to share snippets throughout your day.

#15. Educational Content (How-Tos, Tutorials)

Educational content encompasses a wide range of materials designed to impart knowledge and skills. Solve customer pain points with step-by-step guides or instructional videos relevant to your products or services.

#16. Inspirational Quotes

social media content

Motivate and inspire your audience with uplifting, motivational or thought provoking  quotes that tie back to your brand’s mission or values.  Be sure to pair them with visually appealing graphics.

#17. Data Visualizations (Infographics)

Make complex information digestible using infographics, charts, or statistics related to your industry. through visually appealing infographics. Create infographics that share industry facts, research findings, or explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.

#18. Ask Me Anything (AMA) Sessions

Invite your followers to ask questions in the comments or on platforms like Reddit or Twitter where users can ask questions directly. This fosters open communication and showcases your expertise. Address them thoroughly to build rapport and showcase your expertise.

#19. Product or Service Spotlights

Highlight specific products or services with detailed descriptions, visually appealing images, and customer testimonials. Build anticipation for new products or services by sharing teasers, sneak peeks, and official launch announcements.

#20. Partnerships and Collaborations

social media content

Show that you’re a team player! Cross-promote with complementary businesses or influencers, tapping into their audiences. Highlight collaborations with other businesses or influencers.

Furthermore, if you want to learn how to create different types of content and many more for your business, consider taking this training at the  Digital Marketing Skill Institute now.

The importance of Social Media Content for your Business

social media content

Image Source – Canva

Amplified Brand Awareness

Consistently sharing compelling content expands your brand’s reach across vast social networks. Each like, share, and comment exposes your business to new audiences, increasing brand recognition and recall.

Cultivating Customer Relationships

Social media excels as a two-way communication channel. By actively responding to comments, participating in discussions, and providing value-driven content, you thereby, nurture genuine connections with customers. Therefore, this fosters brand loyalty and builds a community around your business.

Humanizing Your Brand

Moreover, social media allows businesses to showcase their personality and values. Whether through humorous memes, behind-the-scenes peeks, or spotlighting company initiatives, content humanizes your brand and makes it more relatable to consumers.

Driving Website Traffic

Compelling social media content entices users to click through to your website for further information, product exploration, or purchases. Moreover, integrating strategic calls-to-action within your content funnels traffic to your main online hub.

Cost-Effective Advertising

While organic social media reach is crucial, paid advertising options on these platforms offer targeted and measurable ways to amplify your content to specific demographics and interest groups. Therefore this cost-effective approach delivers your message to those most likely to convert.

Challenges of Creating Engaging Social Media Content 

While social media presents vast opportunities for businesses, crafting an effective content strategy comes with its hurdles. In addition, small business owners, often time-strapped and juggling numerous roles, face unique obstacles in creating captivating content consistently.

Creating Engaging Content

Creating compelling content as a business owner comes with its own set of challenges. It requires a delicate balance of creativity and strategic thinking to capture the attention of your target audience. Furthermore, the content you produce must not only be informative but also engaging enough to keep readers coming back for more.

Information Overload

In today’s digital age, consumers are bombarded with a constant stream of information. Standing out amidst this noise can be a daunting task for business owners. Therefore, you have to ensure that your content cuts through the clutter and resonates with your audience.

Relevance and Timeliness

Furthermore, another challenge business owners face is the need to stay relevant and timely in their content creation efforts. With trends and consumer preferences constantly evolving, business owners should stay up to date and produce content that remains impactful and engaging.

Quality over Quantity

However, one common pitfall business owners encounter is the temptation to prioritize quantity over quality when it comes to content creation. While consistency is key, churning out subpar content just to meet deadlines can ultimately harm your brand’s reputation and credibility. so make sure you prioritize quality over quantity for your content.

Power of Storytelling

One effective way to create engaging content is through storytelling. when you narrate a story that resonates with your audience on a personal level, you can establish a deeper connection and evoke emotions that drive action within them.


Incorporating visual and interactive elements into your content can also help increase engagement.  Furthermore, whether it’s through eye-catching graphics, videos, or interactive quizzes, adding multimedia elements can enhance the overall user experience and make your content more shareable.

Embracing a Data-Driven Approach

Lastly, leveraging data and analytics can provide valuable insights into what resonates with your audience. When you track your key metrics such as engagement rates and conversion rates, you can refine your content strategy and create more targeted and effective campaigns.


Finally, using different types of content on social media is crucial for small businesses to connect with customers, increase brand recognition, and foster growth. Businesses can create meaningful connections and differentiate themselves by exploring a wide range of options, from educational blog posts to engaging videos and testimonials. It’s essential to stay consistent, experiment with different approaches, monitor results and adapt to evolving social media trends while maintaining authenticity to the brand’s identity.


What is the best social media for a business?

Different platforms cater to diverse audiences and offer unique features but Facebook appears to be more suitable for businesses, especially small businesses. It offers the largest user base, suitable for businesses of all sizes and a wide range of advertising options and analytics tools. It is ideal for building brand awareness, customer engagement, and driving traffic to your website.

What type of social media content is most popular?

Short video formats, such as those popularized on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, have become increasingly dominant on social media platforms, capturing billions of views daily.

What content works best?

User-generated content (UGC) is an effective method for establishing trust and credibility among your audience. This is because UGC originates from sources that are perceived as unbiased and reliable.

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