Home AdmissionsCertification HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers FREE Certification

HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers FREE Certification

by timi
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers FREE Certification

HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Certification

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are core technologies used in web development to create and enhance websites and web applications. Here’s a brief overview of each:

  1. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language):
    • Purpose: HTML is the standard markup language used to create the structure and content of web pages.
    • Role: It defines the elements and their semantic meaning on a web page, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, forms, images, and more.
    • Example: <h1>This is a Heading</h1>, <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
  2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):
    • Purpose: CSS is used for styling and presentation. It controls how HTML elements are displayed, including their layout, colors, fonts, and responsiveness.
    • Role: It separates the content (HTML) from the presentation (CSS), allowing developers to style web pages consistently and make them visually appealing.
    • Example: h1 { color: blue; font-size: 24px; }
  3. JavaScript:
    • Purpose: JavaScript is a versatile scripting language used to add interactivity and functionality to web pages.
    • Role: It allows web developers to create dynamic elements, handle user interactions, validate forms, make asynchronous requests to servers (AJAX), and build complex web applications.

HTML Questions:

1. Which HTML5 feature is used for offline storage of web applications?

  1. localStorage
  2. offlineStorage
  3. sessionCache
  4. webStorage

2. In HTML, what is the purpose of the <figure> element?

  1. It defines a section that contains navigation links
  2. It represents a standalone piece of content, such as an image or diagram
  3. It defines a table for data presentation
  4. It specifies the footer of a document or section

3. Which HTML5 input type is used for entering a date?

  1. <input type=”date”>
  2. <input type=”datetime”>
  3. <input type=”calendar”>
  4. <input type=”time”>

CSS Questions:

4. What does the CSS property “z-index” control?

  1. Text alignment
  2. Element visibility
  3. The stacking order of elements
  4. Background color

5. Which CSS selector has the highest specificity?

  1. ID selector (#myElement)
  2. Class selector (.myClass)
  3. Element selector (div)
  4. Universal selector (*)

6. What is the CSS pseudo-class used to select elements that are in the process of being clicked by the user?

  1. :hover
  2. :active
  3. :focus
  4. :current

JavaScript Questions:

7. In JavaScript, what is a closure?

  1. A function that has no return statement
  2. A variable declared within a function
  3. A function that references variables from its parent function’s scope even after the parent function has finished executing
  4. A function that can only be called once

8. What is the purpose of the “bind” method in JavaScript?

  1. To concatenate two strings
  2. To create a new array
  3. To associate a function with a specific context or object
  4. To filter elements in an array

9. Which of the following is true about the “async” attribute when including an external JavaScript file?

  1. It specifies that the script should be executed asynchronously, without waiting for the HTML to be fully parsed.
  2. It ensures that the script is executed in the order it appears in the HTML document.
  3. It guarantees that the script will block the rendering of the page until it is fully loaded.
  4. It is not a valid attribute for including external JavaScript files.

10. What does the “typeof” operator return when applied to a function in JavaScript?

  1. “function”
  2. “object”
  3. “method”
  4. “undefined”

11. What is the result of the expression NaN === NaN in JavaScript?

  1. true
  2. false
  3. undefined
  4. NaN

12. In JavaScript, what is the purpose of the “map” method when used with arrays?

  1. To remove elements from an array
  2. To iterate over each element of the array and return a new array with modified values
  3. To concatenate two arrays
  4. To check if an element exists in an array

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