Home Admissionschatgpt prompt How To Write Better ChatGPT Prompts To Get The Best Results

Are you having trouble getting the most out of ChatGPT? Do you feel frustrated when the AI assistant doesn’t give you the responses you want? The secret to getting the most out of ChatGPT is in how you write your instructions.

Prompts are the instructions or questions you give to ChatGPT to guide its responses. If your prompts are vague or unclear, the AI may have trouble understanding what you’re asking for, and the results won’t be as good as they could be. However, a well written prompts can help you get detailed, relevant, and useful information from ChatGPT.

To learn how to give instructions to AI, you need to develop important digital marketing skills by taking some or all of the courses listed below.

In this article, we’ll share proven strategies for crafting prompts that will help you get the best possible results from ChatGPT. Whether you’re using AI for content creation, research, analysis, or anything else, these tips will empower you to fully harness the power of this amazing technology.

What Are ChatGPT Prompts

prompts chatgpt

ChatGPT prompts are instructions or questions that you give to the AI to guide its responses. They help you guide the conversation and get the kind of answers you’re looking for.

These prompts can be about anything, a question you need answered, a task you want help with, or just a topic you’d like to discuss. The better your prompt, the more useful the response you’ll get.

For example, you might ask “What’s the best digital marketing course to take as a beginner?” or say “I need help writing a cover letter for a job application.” The AI then uses this prompt to understand what you’re looking for and provide a helpful response.

Prompts can be short and simple or long and detailed. The key is to be clear about what you want. The more specific you are, the better the AI can tailor its response to your needs.

How to Write Better ChatGPT Prompts

If you’ve been using ChatGPT, you know how powerful it can be. But to really get the most out of this AI assistant, you need to learn how to write great prompts. The instructions or questions you give to ChatGPT will guide its responses, and crafting them the right way can make a big difference.

Some tips to help you write better ChatGPT prompts:

  • Be Clear and Specific: The more clearly you can communicate what you want, the better the AI will be able to understand and respond. Avoid vague or open-ended prompts, instead try to be as precise as possible.
  • Use Structured Formats: Formatting your prompts in a structured way can help ChatGPT understand the task better. For example, you could start with an action verb like “Explain,” “Summarize,” or “Describe,” followed by the specific topic or task.
  • Ask Specific Questions: Rather than just stating a topic, try framing your prompt as a question. This gives ChatGPT a clear objective to work towards.
  • Break Down Complex Tasks: If you have a complicated request, try breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This makes it easier for ChatGPT to understand and address each part.
  • Experiment and Iterate: Don’t be afraid to try different versions of a prompt to see what works best. ChatGPT is very flexible, so you can keep refining your prompts until you get the results you want.

The more you practice writing prompts, the better you’ll get at it. As you get more comfortable, you can start to get creative – using ChatGPT for things like story writing, newsletter, and even coding tasks.

Example of ChatGPT Prompts for Digital Marketer

How to write better ChatGPT prompts

There are various ways to prompt You can get the best out of ChatGPT with these easy-to-use prompts, designed specifically for digital marketers like you.

Prompts for Social Media Marketers

As a social media marketer, you know how important it is to create engaging, effective content for your audience. But sometimes, it can be tough to come up with fresh ideas. That’s where ChatGPT prompts can come in handy!

Examples of ChatGPT prompts to get new content ideas and improve your strategies:

  1. Give me 10 creative social media post ideas for an e-commerce business to increase their brand engagement.
  2. Outline a step-by-step social media content calendar for a small business launching a new product line.
  3. Describe the most effective social media metrics to track for an e-commerce brand, and why they are important.
  4. Write a 200-word social media caption that encourages followers to share their own experiences with a brand’s product or service.
  5. Describe 3 ways to use user-generated content effectively in a social media marketing strategy.
  6. Write a sample social media copy for a series of posts promoting a wellness brand’s new meditation app
  7. Write an attention-grabbing Instagram carousel post highlighting [insert brand/product features]
  8. Rewrite this blog post section as a Facebook caption
  9. Create a Twitter thread featuring tips and tricks for [insert topic]. Include this information: [insert information]
  10. Craft a short LinkedIn post about [topic/keyword]. Use this supplementary information: [insert a paragraph here]
  11. Create a Pinterest pin description dedicated to [topic] and [features]
  12. Create [number] LinkedIn polls about [insert topics]

 Write a short social media post for [social media channels] explaining our holiday hours are [insert times] but letting people know they can shop online.
  14. Write a [social media channel] post sharing this inspiring customer success story and how our made a positive impact: [insert customer story]
  15. Develop a series of LinkedIn posts sharing industry insights and thought leadership on emerging marketing trends in [topic]. Here’s a list of trends to get started [trends list]
  16. Write a LinkedIn post promoting our new ebook about [topic]. Describe this in [word count] words or less and include this URL: [website URL]

Prompts for SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for driving organic traffic to your website and improving your search rankings. This AI tool can help you brainstorm ideas, analyze your current strategy, and optimize your content for better results.

Examples of ChatGPT prompts that SEO professionals can use for their strategies:

  1. Explain the on-page SEO factors in simple terms, and how to optimize each one.
  2. Suggest 10 long-tail keyword ideas for a website teaching “digital marketing”.
  3. Outline a technical SEO audit checklist to identify and fix common website issues.
  4. Write a 150-word meta description for a blog post about the “topic”.
  5. Propose 5 link-building strategies to earn high-quality backlinks for an e-commerce fashion brand.
  6. Describe the most important SEO metrics to track for a local service-based business, and how to interpret them.”
  7. Create a content calendar with 10 SEO-optimized blog post ideas for a software company’s website.
  8. Explain how to use Google Search Console to identify and fix indexing issues on a website.
  9. Suggest 3 ways to optimize product pages for better search visibility and conversion rates.
  10. Write 5 alt text samples for product images on an online furniture store’s website.
  11. Write five FAQs with answers using these keywords [insert keywords]
  12. Write 10 subheadings for a blog post titled How To Write Better ChatGPT Prompts To Get The Best Results
  13. Generate a list of at least 20 keywords related to [topic]
  14. Summarize this article about X and link to it. [Insert article]
  15. List all the long-tail queries related to
  16. Suggest five blog post title ideas for the primary keyword for [targeted audience]

Prompts for Content Marketers

As a content marketer, your job is to create engaging, valuable content that attracts and retains customers. you can use AI tool to help you brainstorm topics, outline content, and even write first drafts.

Examples of prompts to get fresh ideas:

  1. Suggest 10 blog post ideas for a “keyword
  2. Outline a content calendar with 12 topics for an “insert business
  3. Write a 300-word introduction for a white paper on the “topic
  4. Propose 5 content ideas to promote a new product launch for an “insert business”
  5. Describe the most important content marketing metrics to track for a local service-based business.
  6. Create a content brief for a 1000-word blog post on the “title”
  7. Explain how to use customer research to inform content creation and improve engagement.
  8. Suggest 3 ways to repurpose a long-form piece of content into multiple formats.”
  9. Write sample social media copy to promote a new blog post on “business”
  10. Propose a content ideation process to identify the most valuable topics for a “business”
  11. Create a content brief for “blog post.”
  12. Suggest 3 ways to use user-generated content to enhance a brand’s content strategy.”

Prompts for Email Marketers

Email marketing can be used for reaching and engaging with your audience, but it can be challenging to come up with fresh, effective email content.

Examples of prompt ideas to brainstorm ideas, write compelling copy, and optimize your email campaigns:

  1. Suggest 10 email subject line ideas for a welcome series for an “insert product/service”.
  2. Outline a 12-month email content calendar for an “insert product/service” monthly newsletter.
  3. Write a 200-word email copy for an “insert topic” that drives clicks and conversions.
  4. Propose 5 email campaign ideas to re-engage dormant subscribers for an “insert product/service”.
  5. Suggest 3 ways to repurpose email content into other marketing channels like social media.
  6. Write a sample email copy for a holiday promotion highlighting exclusive discounts and offers.
  7. Create an email template for a monthly industry newsletter with a mix of curated content and original pieces.”
  8. Suggest 5 email ideas to promote a brand’s corporate social responsibility initiatives and drive engagement.”
  9. Write a sample email copy for a customer loyalty program highlighting exclusive benefits and rewards.
  10. Suggest 3 ways to leverage email data and insights to inform other marketing channels and strategies.

Prompts for Digital Advertisers

A digital advertiser’s job is to create and optimize online ad campaigns that drive results for your clients or business. But coming up with effective ad ideas and strategies can be a real challenge.

Examples of prompt ideas that can help you write compelling ad copy, and analyze campaign performance.

  1. Suggest 10 ad copy ideas for a social media campaign promoting a new “insert product or service”
  2. Outline a digital advertising plan with multiple ad formats (e.g. display, video, search) for a “insert product or service”.
  3. Write a 150-word Google Ads description that highlights the unique features and benefits of a “insert product or service”.
  4. Propose 5 Facebook ad concepts to drive website traffic and online sales for an “insert product or service”.
  5. Explain how to use audience targeting and segmentation to optimize digital ad campaigns.”
  6. Suggest 3 ways to repurpose high-performing digital ad content across multiple platforms.”
  7. Outline a retargeting ad sequence to re-engage users who abandoned their cart on an e-commerce site.”
  8. Propose a digital advertising strategy to build brand awareness and drive leads for a fintech startup.”
  9. Propose a localized digital advertising strategy to reach international markets with culturally relevant content.
  10. Write a 30-second advertisement script about .

Prompts for Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service can help you build loyalty, drive retention, and generate positive word-of-mouth for your business. However, delivering consistently great service can be challenging, especially when dealing with difficult situations or high-volume inquiries.

Examples of prompts that can help enhance your customer service skills and strategies:

  1. Suggest 10 customer service scripts for handling common inquiries and complaints.
  2. Write a 150-word email template that effectively resolves a customer’s issue and leaves them satisfied.
  3. Propose 5 customer service initiatives to improve the overall experience and drive loyalty.
  4. Create a customer service knowledge base template that provides comprehensive answers to FAQs.
  5. Explain how to use customer feedback and insights to improve your service offerings.
  6. Write sample social media responses to address customer concerns and complaints in a professional manner.
  7. Outline a customer service chatbot flow to provide instant answers to common questions.
  8. Write sample customer service email sequences to proactively reach out and check on customer satisfaction.
  9. Describe how to leverage customer testimonials and success stories to showcase your service excellence.
  10. Write sample customer service scripts for the keyword: [insert keyword here] that provide a positive resolution and leave the customer satisfied.

Pros and Cons of ChatGPT Prompts in Digital Marketing

AI is becoming more common in digital marketing. It offers many benefits, but also some drawbacks. Let’s look at the pros and cons:


  • Personalization: ChatGPT can help create custom content, suggestions, and experiences for customers based on their information and actions.
  • Automation: Prompts can automate digital marketing tasks like content creation, social media posting, email marketing, and customer service, freeing up time for marketers.
  • Efficiency: ChatGPT can process and analyze large amounts of data much faster than humans, enabling data-driven decisions and campaign optimization.
  • Enhanced Targeting: Prompts can help identify and target the most relevant audiences, leading to higher conversion rates and better ROI.
  • Predictive Analytics: ChatGPT-powered prompts can forecast consumer behavior, market trends, and campaign performance to inform marketing strategies.
  • Improved Customer Experience: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide 24/7 customer support and assistance.


  • Lack of Human Touch: It may lack the emotional intelligence and nuanced understanding that human marketers can bring.
  • Bias and Inaccuracy: The models can perpetuate or amplify biases present in the training data, leading to biased decision-making.
  • Ethical Concerns: The use of ChatGPT raises issues around privacy, data privacy, and the potential for manipulation.
  • Dependence on Data: ChatGPT relies heavily on the quality and quantity of data available, and gaps or inaccuracies can impact its effectiveness.
  • Job Displacement: Increased use of ChatGPT in marketing may lead to the displacement of some traditional marketing roles.

Top AI Tools for Writing & Content Generation

As creating content becomes more important for businesses, new AI tools have been created to make the process easier and improve the quality of the content.

Some of the top AI content creation tools include:

  • Jasper: Your AI writing assistant for crafting engaging posts and ads.
  • Writer: An AI platform that helps maintain brand voice across your content.
  • ChatGPT: A versatile AI chatbot for brainstorming ideas and answering questions.
  • Perplexity: An AI search engine that provides detailed, sourced answers to your queries.
  • Copy.ai: Generates creative copy for various social media formats.
  • Claude: An AI assistant known for nuanced responses and helping with various tasks.


Learning how to write good ChatGPT prompts is very important for digital marketers who want to get the most out of this powerful AI tool.

By writing clear, specific, and well-structured prompts, you can guide ChatGPT to give you detailed, relevant, and useful information. This can help you streamline your marketing work, make better decisions based on data, and provide a more personalized experience for your customers.

The growth of AI has also come with some complications, and that’s why we teach it in depth in our digital marketing training course to see what works best for your needs and goals. (click the link to see course details).

With a little practice, you’ll become an expert at writing ChatGPT prompts in no time.


Why is learning to write your own ChatGPT prompts important for digital marketers?

Writing effective ChatGPT prompts is crucial for digital marketers because it allows you to get the most out of this powerful AI tool. By crafting clear, specific prompts, you can guide ChatGPT to provide detailed, relevant information that can help streamline your marketing tasks, make better data-driven decisions, and deliver more personalized customer experiences. Mastering prompt writing puts you in control of ChatGPT’s capabilities.

What are some best practices for writing ChatGPT prompts as a digital marketer?

Some key best practices for writing ChatGPT prompts include:

  • Be clear and specific about the information you need
  • Provide relevant context about your goals and the intended use of the response
  • Break down complex questions into smaller, more manageable parts
  • Use precise language and avoid vague or open-ended prompts
  • Experiment with different phrasings and provide examples if needed
  • Request the response be structured in a way that is most useful for your needs
  • Be polite and respectful in your tone

More resources

How to Do Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses

What is Social Media Management? Everything You Need To Know

Paid Media: Definition, Channels, and Tips (+ Examples)

What Is Web Marketing And Why It Is Essential For Businesses

User-Generated Content (UGC): How to Use It in Your Marketing Strategy

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